Solar System

The solar system is the name given to our sun and its family of planets.It also includes the planet’s moons, millions of peaces of rock called asteroids and meteoroids and frozen lumps of dust and gas called comets.Everything else you can see in the sky is outside the solar system and it is far far away.

Every single star is itself a sun and each may have its own family of planets and moons.There are nine planets in the solar system- from boiling Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, to tiny Pluto, the most far away world. All the planets have at least one moon except fro Mercury and Venus, which have none.






the planets in our Solar System

The solar system formed 4.6 billion years ago. it started at the center of an enormous swirling cloud of gas and dusk.

The Sun burst into flames and became a star. Its light and warmth spread throughout the new Solar System.

Gas and dust left over from making the sun clumped together in places. these clumps grew bigger and formed the planets.

The planets closest to the sun are small and made from rock and metal. The larger outer planets are made from gas and liquid.

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